5 Razones para Comprar de Nosotros:
Un estudio completo y detallado sobre la vida del apóstol Pablo: la cultura y el mundo que le rodeó, su niñez y formación religiosa, su transformación radical, su extenso ministerio y su labor escrita. From the Back Cover A complete and detailed study on the life of the apostle Paul, the culture and the world that surrounded him, his childhood and spiritual formation, his radical transformation, his extensive ministry and his written work.
Un estudio completo y detallado sobre la vida del apóstol Pablo: la cultura y el mundo que le rodeó, su niñez y formación religiosa, su transformación radical, su extenso ministerio y su labor escrita. From the Back Cover A complete and detailed study on the life of the apostle Paul, the culture and the world that surrounded him, his childhood and spiritual formation, his radical transformation, his extensive ministry and his written work.