Mamá Lista, Mamá Rica
5 Razones para Comprar de Nosotros:
Este libro explora como las mujeres de hoy manejan los retos financieros y los familiares. Inspirador y práctico, ayuda a las mujeres a crear estrategias sobre cómo criar a sus hijos y a la vez tomar decisiones financieras sabias que las pongas en el camino a la prosperidad.Cada madre conoce las decisiones difíciles que conlleva el tener un hijo, como los gastos familiares y las interminables jornadas de trabajo. ¿Cómo cumples con las demandas que exige la maternidad a la vez que mantienen tus finanzas y tu carrera bajo control? Este libro explora cómo las mujeres de hoy enfrentan los retos profesionales y los familiares. Escrito por una columnista de finanzas y madre, este libro combina consejos profesionales, estrategias de gastos y ahorros con entrevistas a madres profesionales en varios campos laborales.Inspirador y práctico, este libro ayuda a las mujeres a crear estrategias sobre cómo criar a sus hijos y a la vez tomar decisiones financieras sabias que las pongas en el camino a la prosperidad.Every mother knows the tough questions that a baby brings, as household expenses and workloads explode. How do you meet the demands of parenting while getting your finances and career under control? Smart Mom, Rich Mom explores how women today are navigating the financially challenging career/parenting years. Written by a national money columnist and mom of two, the book mixes career advice, spending and savings strategies, and interviews with working mothers in varied fields. Inspiring and practical, it helps women strategize how to raise their own families, and make the financially savvy decisions that put them on the road to prosperity. Review 'Smart moms will learn how to make the most of each paycheck while cultivating career satisfaction and passing on an appreciation for present circumstances to the next generation. Women of all walks of life will gain confidence as the purpose of the 401(k) and the 529 account suddenly makes perfect sense, and financial security is within reach rather than an abstract concept.' -- - Foreword Reviews'There's a desperately needed dose of practical feminism in Palmer's (The Economy of You) excellent book, which targets middle-class women in their childbearing years, an often neglected audience for financial advice....This invaluable resource does much more than fill a niche; it bridges a huge gap.' -- - Publishers Weekly'Anyone who tells you women don't need financial advice specifically for them is wrong. Whether you're the caretaker, the breadwinner, or both, 'Smart Mom, Rich Mom' will be an indispensable resource for you.' -- - Jean Chatzky, Today Show, Financial Editor'Her general points -- for example, that the spending and saving habits we develop in our 20s have a significant impact on our financial future -- are solid. And she is occasionally very witty.' -- -The New York Times About the Author Kimberly Palmer es editora financiera en US News & World Report y escribe su popular blog Alpha Consumer. Ha participado en Today Show, CNBC, CNN y otros programas de televisión y radio locales en todo el país para hablar sobre decisiones financieras inteligentes.
Este libro explora como las mujeres de hoy manejan los retos financieros y los familiares. Inspirador y práctico, ayuda a las mujeres a crear estrategias sobre cómo criar a sus hijos y a la vez tomar decisiones financieras sabias que las pongas en el camino a la prosperidad.Cada madre conoce las decisiones difíciles que conlleva el tener un hijo, como los gastos familiares y las interminables jornadas de trabajo. ¿Cómo cumples con las demandas que exige la maternidad a la vez que mantienen tus finanzas y tu carrera bajo control? Este libro explora cómo las mujeres de hoy enfrentan los retos profesionales y los familiares. Escrito por una columnista de finanzas y madre, este libro combina consejos profesionales, estrategias de gastos y ahorros con entrevistas a madres profesionales en varios campos laborales.Inspirador y práctico, este libro ayuda a las mujeres a crear estrategias sobre cómo criar a sus hijos y a la vez tomar decisiones financieras sabias que las pongas en el camino a la prosperidad.Every mother knows the tough questions that a baby brings, as household expenses and workloads explode. How do you meet the demands of parenting while getting your finances and career under control? Smart Mom, Rich Mom explores how women today are navigating the financially challenging career/parenting years. Written by a national money columnist and mom of two, the book mixes career advice, spending and savings strategies, and interviews with working mothers in varied fields. Inspiring and practical, it helps women strategize how to raise their own families, and make the financially savvy decisions that put them on the road to prosperity. Review 'Smart moms will learn how to make the most of each paycheck while cultivating career satisfaction and passing on an appreciation for present circumstances to the next generation. Women of all walks of life will gain confidence as the purpose of the 401(k) and the 529 account suddenly makes perfect sense, and financial security is within reach rather than an abstract concept.' -- - Foreword Reviews'There's a desperately needed dose of practical feminism in Palmer's (The Economy of You) excellent book, which targets middle-class women in their childbearing years, an often neglected audience for financial advice....This invaluable resource does much more than fill a niche; it bridges a huge gap.' -- - Publishers Weekly'Anyone who tells you women don't need financial advice specifically for them is wrong. Whether you're the caretaker, the breadwinner, or both, 'Smart Mom, Rich Mom' will be an indispensable resource for you.' -- - Jean Chatzky, Today Show, Financial Editor'Her general points -- for example, that the spending and saving habits we develop in our 20s have a significant impact on our financial future -- are solid. And she is occasionally very witty.' -- -The New York Times About the Author Kimberly Palmer es editora financiera en US News & World Report y escribe su popular blog Alpha Consumer. Ha participado en Today Show, CNBC, CNN y otros programas de televisión y radio locales en todo el país para hablar sobre decisiones financieras inteligentes.