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Liderazgo Práctico

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SKU: 9781641232036
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Muchos pastores y líderes tienen problemas porque les preocupa  cómo ejercer un liderazgo lleno de incertidumbres, impreciso, donde no saben a dónde se dirigen ni a dónde deberían dirigirse. Sea usted líder de iglesia o de una empresa, con frecuencia se siente inseguro ante tantos retos; todo parece complicado, y se siente tentado a rendirse. Necesita  soluciones claras y efectivas que le traigan resultados.     El Dr. Samuel Chand  ha propiciado el éxito de miles de líderes eclesiales y empresariales alrededor del mundo, con sus técnicas sencillas y directas, pero prácticas y efectivas. Mentor de resultados, ha visto a muchos de los líderes  poderosos de hoy donde usted está ahora. Y también ha visto y aún ve a muchos líderes reconocidos pasar por crisis, retroceder, y ansiosos ante los retos que crecen, según crece su organización. Su vasta experiencia y su pasión por ayudar han creado respuestas francas y correctas para  cada una de las preguntas de pastores y líderes; respuestas que usted puede poner en marcha enseguida y con seguridad. Ahora todas las soluciones para el liderazgo están reunidas en un solo volumen. Este es su libro de consulta para alcanzar a paso firme, el nivel de liderazgo que usted busca. Recoge  Liderazgo Práctico: Los mejores principios de liderazgo para pastores y líderes.Many pastors and leaders are concerned about exercising leadership surrounded by uncertainties, in which they don?t know where they are nor where to go. Whether you are a church leader or a business leader, you frequently feel insecure about so many challenges. Everything looks so complicated that you feel tempted to quit. You need sound, effective solutions that bring out results for your issues.  Dr. Samuel Chand has assisted thousands of church leaders and business success through their path of success with direct techniques that are unique and simple, yet also practical and effective. A results-oriented mentor, Chand has seen many of the most powerful pastors and leaders standing where you stand right now. He has also seen powerful leaders going through growth crises, and navigating great challenges. His unparalleled experience and passion for helping leaders and pastors have provided the right answers for each and every question pastors and leaders ask themselves; answers that you can confidently put into practice right now in any situation. Now every leadership answer is available within one volume. This is the consultation book to achieve, firmly and securely, the leadership level you have been striving for: Practical Leadership, The Best Principles for Pastors and Leaders. About the Author Dr. Samuel R. Chand, having been raised in a pastor?s home in India, is uniquely equipped to share his passion to mentor, develop, and inspire leaders in ministry and the marketplace. Dr. Chand has served as senior pastor, college president, chancellor, and president emeritus of Beulah Heights University, the country?s largest predominantly African American Bible College. Dr. Chand speaks regularly at leadership conferences, churches, corporations, ministerial conferences, seminars, and other leadership development opportunities. He was named one of the top thirty global leadership gurus by Dr. Chand serves on the board of EQUIP (Dr. John Maxwell?s ministry), working with five million leaders worldwide, and assists Bishop Eddie L. Long?s leadership development team. Dr. Chand works with leaders through leadership consultations and resources, including books and CDs, online mentoring, and speaking. Some of the books he has written areWho?s Holding Your Ladder?,LadderShifts, andPlanning Your Succession. His educational background includes an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Heritage Bible College, a master of arts in biblical counseling from Grace Theological Seminary, and a bachelor of arts in biblical education from Beulah Heights Universit
Muchos pastores y líderes tienen problemas porque les preocupa  cómo ejercer un liderazgo lleno de incertidumbres, impreciso, donde no saben a dónde se dirigen ni a dónde deberían dirigirse. Sea usted líder de iglesia o de una empresa, con frecuencia se siente inseguro ante tantos retos; todo parece complicado, y se siente tentado a rendirse. Necesita  soluciones claras y efectivas que le traigan resultados.     El Dr. Samuel Chand  ha propiciado el éxito de miles de líderes eclesiales y empresariales alrededor del mundo, con sus técnicas sencillas y directas, pero prácticas y efectivas. Mentor de resultados, ha visto a muchos de los líderes  poderosos de hoy donde usted está ahora. Y también ha visto y aún ve a muchos líderes reconocidos pasar por crisis, retroceder, y ansiosos ante los retos que crecen, según crece su organización. Su vasta experiencia y su pasión por ayudar han creado respuestas francas y correctas para  cada una de las preguntas de pastores y líderes; respuestas que usted puede poner en marcha enseguida y con seguridad. Ahora todas las soluciones para el liderazgo están reunidas en un solo volumen. Este es su libro de consulta para alcanzar a paso firme, el nivel de liderazgo que usted busca. Recoge  Liderazgo Práctico: Los mejores principios de liderazgo para pastores y líderes.Many pastors and leaders are concerned about exercising leadership surrounded by uncertainties, in which they don?t know where they are nor where to go. Whether you are a church leader or a business leader, you frequently feel insecure about so many challenges. Everything looks so complicated that you feel tempted to quit. You need sound, effective solutions that bring out results for your issues.  Dr. Samuel Chand has assisted thousands of church leaders and business success through their path of success with direct techniques that are unique and simple, yet also practical and effective. A results-oriented mentor, Chand has seen many of the most powerful pastors and leaders standing where you stand right now. He has also seen powerful leaders going through growth crises, and navigating great challenges. His unparalleled experience and passion for helping leaders and pastors have provided the right answers for each and every question pastors and leaders ask themselves; answers that you can confidently put into practice right now in any situation. Now every leadership answer is available within one volume. This is the consultation book to achieve, firmly and securely, the leadership level you have been striving for: Practical Leadership, The Best Principles for Pastors and Leaders. About the Author Dr. Samuel R. Chand, having been raised in a pastor?s home in India, is uniquely equipped to share his passion to mentor, develop, and inspire leaders in ministry and the marketplace. Dr. Chand has served as senior pastor, college president, chancellor, and president emeritus of Beulah Heights University, the country?s largest predominantly African American Bible College. Dr. Chand speaks regularly at leadership conferences, churches, corporations, ministerial conferences, seminars, and other leadership development opportunities. He was named one of the top thirty global leadership gurus by Dr. Chand serves on the board of EQUIP (Dr. John Maxwell?s ministry), working with five million leaders worldwide, and assists Bishop Eddie L. Long?s leadership development team. Dr. Chand works with leaders through leadership consultations and resources, including books and CDs, online mentoring, and speaking. Some of the books he has written areWho?s Holding Your Ladder?,LadderShifts, andPlanning Your Succession. His educational background includes an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Heritage Bible College, a master of arts in biblical counseling from Grace Theological Seminary, and a bachelor of arts in biblical education from Beulah Heights Universit

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