Claves para el Liderazgo
5 Razones para Comprar de Nosotros:
Repleto de citas motivacionales y consejos prácticos, este libro de citas de inspiración del autor de libros de mayor venta, el Dr. Myles Munroe, provee sabiduría para vivir su vida de acuerdo con los propósitos de Dios. Claves para el liderazgo revela la esencia del espíritu de liderazgo, la actitud mental personal y las cualidades esenciales que le convertirán en un líder en su reino de dones. A medida que medite en estas verdades, su mente será renovada y su vida será transformada. Usted entenderá el diseño original del Creador para que con gozo y confianza pueda cumplir su propósito en el mundo, propósito que fue dado por Dios.Filled with motivating insights and practical advice, these inspiring quotes from best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe provide wisdom for living your life according to God?s purposes. Keysfor Leadership reveals the essence of the leadership spirit and the unique mental attitude and essential qualities that will make you a leader in your realm of gifting. As you meditate on these truths, your mind will be renewed and your life will be transformed. You will understand the Creator?s original design so you can fulfill your unique, God-given purpose in the world with joy and confidence. About the Author DR. MYLES MUNROE (1954-2014) was an international motivational speaker, best-selling author, educator, leadership mentor, and consultant for government and business. He was a popular author of more than forty books, including The Power of Character in Leadership, The Purpose and Power of Authority, The Principles and Benefits of Change, Becoming a Leader, The Fatherhood Principle, and The Principles and Power of Vision. Dr. Munroe was founder and president of Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI), a multidimensional organization headquartered in Nassau, Bahamas. He was chief executive officer and chairman of the board of the International Third World Leaders Associ