100 Respuestas Antes que Diga lo Prometo
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Got Questions? Of course you do. Your readers do too. That's why the 100 Answers to 100 Questions Series is coming to the rescue with its newest topical series--to help people find reliable answers they need to make the most of important areas in their lives. The series demystifies the answers to readers' most important questions about relationships, roles, life purpose, and destiny, both here on earth and beyond. People don't ask questions because they fear being judged or sounding "stupid." Sometimes people don't think they have a safe and trusted place to bring up puzzling topics. Sometimes people know something's wrong but don't know what to ask to begin sorting it out. And, let's face it; there are times when people feel like the questions are overwhelming or unanswerable. Questions and answers are presented in an innovative easy-to-use format that allows readers to quickly address the topics that are most important to them.