Una Mujer Conforme al Corazón de Dios
5 Razones para Comprar de Nosotros:
Genuine peace and joy come when women follow God in every area of their lives, and become women after His own heart. The author shares practical, scriptural insights on how you can pursue God's priorities concerning: your husband, your children, your home, your walk with the Lord, and your ministry. Let God fulfill His greatest desire for you. About the Author Elizabeth George, whose books have sold more than 9 million copies, is the author of several books for teens (combined sales of 700,000), including A Young Woman's Guide to Making Right Choices, A Young Woman's Call to Prayer, and A Young Woman After God's Own Heart--A Devotional. She's taught high school and college students and currently teaches and speaks at Christian events worldwide. Elizabeth and her husband, Jim, have two married daughters.
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