En Medio de la Tormenta
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Luchando en medio de la trágica pérdida de su hija, Josué y Mady Arquero experimentan inmenso dolor y pena causados por un corazón roto y un matrimonio tan severamente tirante que el divorcio parece inminente. ¿Volverá la vida a ser normal nuevamente? Pero juntos podrían hallar el gozo y la felicidad que nunca antes hayan conocido.Struggling through the tragic loss of their child, Maddie and Jeff Bowman experience the immense pain and grief caused by a broken heart and a marriage so severely strained that a divorce seems imminent. Will life ever be normal again? But together they may find a joy and happiness that they had never known before. About the Author SHARLENE MACLAREN?S novels include the beloved Little Hickman Creek series (Loving Liza Jane; Sarah, My Beloved; and Courting Emma); and the acclaimed historical trilogies The Daughters of Jacob Kane (Hannah Grace, Maggie Rose, and Abbie Ann), River of Hope (Livvie?s Song, Ellie?s Haven, and Sofia?s Secret), and Tennessee Dreams (Heart of Mercy, Threads of Joy, and Gift of Grace). Sharlene MacLaren lives with her husband, Cecil, in Spring Lake Michigan.