Wipe Clean: Bilingual Workbook For First Grade Bilingüe
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With content edited and approved by an educational specialist, this wipe-clean bilingual workbook is packed with first learning activities to complete and repeat.First grade topics including math and grammar are presented in both English and Spanish to encourage your child to practice and hone both their early-learning and language skills. The wipe-clean element is perfect for revision and the colorful activities won't intimidate young learners.This workbook is ideal for those learning a second language in first grade.Also available: Bilingual Workbook: Ready for School Review ?Priddy Books are ..."visually delightful with an interactive element." -School Library Journal About the Author Roger Priddy's passion for educating children through fun, informative and engaging books has led him to create some of publishing's most enduring and successful nonfiction early learning books. Bestselling titles includeFirst 100 Words,Bright Baby Animals, andAlphaprints: ABC. Roger lives in London and has three children, who have been the inspiration behind many of his best publishing ideas.