La Pastorcita de Belen
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A young shepherd girl stays up late to tend sheep with her father and follows the star to witness the birth of baby Jesus.From the Back CoverEsta inspiradora historia de la Navidad nos ofrece un c lido mensaje de amor y paz. A una pastorcita le encanta pasar tiempo con su padre cuidando las ovejas all en las colinas. Pero, una noche, su padre tuvo que salir a una reuni n y la pastorcita no lo encontraba. Empez a buscarlo por doquier hasta que finalmente lo encontr en un establo de Bel n, en donde llega a descubrir algo maravilloso. Las ilustraciones que Alan Marks ha realizado con finos detalles y trazos de acuarela nos llevan de la mano hasta ese final tan colorido e inspirador. This evocative Christmas tale exudes a heartwarming message about love and peace. A little shepherd girl adores spending time with her father, out on the hillside tending his flocks. But one night, he is called away and she can't find him. She anxiously searches high and low, eventually finding him at a stable in Bethlehem, where her journey ends with a most glorious discovery. Alan Marks' illustrations crafted in detailed ink and deep watercolour washes flow through the pages, taking the story towards its colourful and evocative end.