Biblia para Niños Historias de Jesús Bilingüe
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La Biblia para niños - Historias de Jesús edición especial bilingüe cuenta la historia que subyace detrás de todas las otras historias de la Biblia. En el centro de la historia se encuentra un niño, el niño del cual dependería todo. Cada relato susurra su nombre. Desde los tiempos de Noé, Moisés y el gran rey David, toda historia apunta hacia él. Es como la pieza que falta en un rompecabezas? la pieza que hace que todas las demás encajen en su lugar.Desde el Antiguo Testamento hasta el Nuevo Testamento, conforme la historia se desenvuelve, los niños recogerán los indicios y armarán el rompecabezas. Siendo una Biblia como ninguna otra, La Biblia para niños - Historias de Jesús invita a los niños a unirse en la mayor de todas las aventuras para descubrir por sí mismos que Jesús está en el centro de la gran historia divina de la salvación? y en el centro de la historia de ellos también.Jesus Storybook Bible / Biblia para niños, Historias de JesúsThe Jesus Storybook Bible in the special bilingual edition tells the Story beneath all the stories in the Bible. At the center of the Story is a baby, the child upon whom everything will depend. Every story whispers his name. From Noah to Moses to the great King David-every story points to him. He is like the missing piece in a puzzle-the piece that makes all the other pieces fit together. From the Old Testament through the New Testament, as the Story unfolds, children will pick up the clues and piece together the puzzle. A Bible like no other, The Jesus Storybook Bible invites children to join in the greatest of all adventures, to discover for themselves that Jesus is at the center of God?s great story of salvation-and at the center of their Story too. Review 'The Jesus Storybook Bible is unlike any other storybook. True, that's to be expected when you combine the mesmerizing illustrations of Jago and the award-winning writing of Sally Lloyd-Jones, a Brit with an uncanny knack for storytelling. Not only is each story as vividly illustrated as it is portrayed, but also each tale is telling one Big Story--the Story of Jesus. Even the Old Testament stories of 'The young hero and the horrible giant' and 'Daniel and the scary sleepover' come full circle to Jesus, the greatest Hero, King, Lover and Rescuer the world has ever known. -- More to Life Magazine''The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name' disproves the adage that you can't judge a book by its cover. Jago's award-winning cover art is a foretaste of the whimsically insightful and richly colored drawings that await you on every one of the book's 351 pages. The illustrations alone are worth the price of the book....Jago the illustrator, and Sally Lloyd-Jones the author, are a good pair. She brings the same creativity and sense of humor to her telling of the Bible's stories....But Lloyd-Jones's writing isn't cutesy. She has a grasp of the profound. How does one explain to a child the agony of Jesus in Gethsemane, and his prayer of surrender to his Father? Lloyd-Jones does it as well as any biblical commentator....The title and subtitle are even better than the book's delightful illustrations and narrative -- because they provide, in one deft stroke, the interpretive key that unlocks the meaning of the whole Bible. 'The Jesus Storybook Bible' says it all: The Scriptures are not merely a collection of stories designed to teach moral lessons. As Jesus explained to the men walking the road to Emmaus on Resurrection Sunday, the whole Bible is about Jesus. In the words of the subtitle, every story whispers his name....Lloyd-Jones manages to show again and again the presence of Christ in all the Old Testament Scriptures, and the presence of the Old Testament Scriptures in the life of Christ.' -- Christianity TodayThe Jesus Storybook Bible is, in my opinion, one of the best resources available to help both children and adults see the Jesus-centered story line of the Bible. Tullian Tchi